A year of the COVID-19 Lockdown: comparative analysis of Distance Learning approaches in TNMU
Semenets, Andrii
Vakulenko, Dmytro
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The purpose and history of introduction of distance learning components in educational process at the I. Horbachevsky National Medical University in Ternopil (TNMU) is shown. The key elements of implementation of full-scale distance education workflow at TNMU during the COVID-19 lockdown as well as its changes are presented. The distance education features of teaching of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics course at TNMU are noted. The experience gained during the implementation of full-scale distance education at TNMU within the COVID-19 lockdown is presented. The analysis of students’ performance during the full distance educational period in comparison with a blended part of the Medical Informatics and Biostatistics course are presented. A value of real-time online communication as component of distance education process is signed.