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dc.creatorVons, B. V.
dc.creatorHroshovyi, T. A.
dc.creatorChubka, М. B.
dc.descriptionCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF MARKETS OF UKRAINE, POLAND AND RUSSIA ON REGISTERED MEDICATIONS FOR LOCAL TREATMENT OF BURNSB. V. Vons, T. A. Hroshovyi, М. B. ChubkaI. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical UniversityIntroduction. The problem of burn wounds treatment is relevant today in Ukraine and all over the world because the burn pathologies are among the most common and serious types of injuries.The aim of study was to investigate the range of medications for local treatment of burns and determine prospects for development new medications.Methods of the research. The object of study was information about registered medications at theterritory ofUkraine, posted on the website “Regulatory and directive documents of the Ministry of Healthcare ofUkraine”.Results and discussions. According to the results of the research on September 2015, there are 54 medications of different forms of release in Ukraine, which are directly used for local treatment of burns. This number of medications is much smaller comparing to the medications with the same features, that are registered at markets of Poland (72 medications) and Russia (63 medications).Analysis of medication range registered inUkrainefor burn treatment showed that most of them are presented as soft dosage forms (DF) – 78 %. The main position at markets ofPolandandRussiais taken with soft medications, which have 75 % and almost 69 % respectively.There are differences in presence of medications on domestic and foreign markets of studied medications. In particular, there are no medications for local treatment of burns surfaces in the forms of pastes, balms, emulsions, plasters at the domestic market, while inPolandthere are no liniments and solutions for outward applications, and the rage of hard medications inRussiais very limited, including tablets. After examining Polish and Russian markets and comparing them with domestic, it has been found that there are registered medications such as medical sponges and plasters for local treatment of burns surfaces in Russia and Poland, which are not represented in Ukraine.The results of the study of medication assortment for the burns treatment, registered inUkraine, showed no significant difference in the ratio between imported (51,85 %) and domestic (48,15 %) medications and foreign produced medications have slightly predominating. In Poland and Russia, the ratio of medications produced by domestic manufacturers is much higher comparing to the number of imported products, especially the ratio of medications of domestic and imported production by Polish and Russian pharmaceutical market is equal to 61,9 : 38,1 and 62,5 : 37,5 respectively.Conclusions:1. It was investigated, that as for the date of September2015, inUkrainethere are 54 registered medications, 72 medications inPoland, and 63 medications inRussiafor the local treatment of burns.2. Most of the investigated medications are soft dosage forms, the share of which inUkraineis 78 %, inPolandandRussiais 61,90 % and 75 % respectively.3. It was determined that inUkraine51,85 % of all medications for treatment of burns are of foreign manufacturing, howeverRussiaandPoland, where the share of imported medications is not significant, especially 38,10 % and 37,50 % respectively.4. During the study, it was found that inRussiaandPolandfor the local treatment of burns there are registered medications in the form of medical sponges and plasters, but there are no appropriate forms inUkraine, so it creates prospects for developing these dosage forms inUkraine.References:Peck, M. D. (2011 Nov). Epidemiology of burns throughout the world. Part I: Distribution and risk factors. / M. D. 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dc.publisherТернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ Україниuk-UA
dc.rightsАвторське право (c) 2016 Фармацевтичний часописuk-UA
dc.sourcePharmaceutical Review; No. 1 (2016); 74-78en-US
dc.sourceФармацевтичний часопис; № 1 (2016); 74-78uk-UA

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