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dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, Rachel
dc.identifier.citationKravchenko, R. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IN NURSING PRACTICE FOR MIDDLE-AGED AND ELDERLY PATIENTS: Master's Thesis.Ternopil, 2023. 60 р.uk
dc.description.abstractClinical preventive strategies are available in many chronic conditions. These strategies include interventions that are used before onset of the disease (referred to as primary or primordial prevention), early detection and treatment of disease (referred to as secondary prevention), and treating disease in order to slow down or stop its progression (referred to as tertiary prevention). In combination with lifestyle modifications, these interventions can substantially reduce the incidence of chronic illnesses, and chronic disease-associated disability and mortality that place a tremendous burden on patients and health systems alike. The aim of the study: to study the possibilities and special aspects of nursing work in preventive medicine for middle-aged and elderly patients and evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation in patients with various diseases. Study objectives. 1. To study the fundamental concepts of preventive medicine in the structure of health care. 2. To identify the key aspects and strategies for chronic disease prevention in middle-aged and elderly patients 3. To investigate the possible prophylactic methods in preventive medicine. 4. To determine the key stages of rehabilitation as a tertiary prevention and its impact on patients’ health. 5. To evaluate the efficacy of rehabilitation activities in various patient profiles. 6. To study the role and significance of nursing work in preventive medicine among other directions of nursing activities The object of research. Middle-aged and elderly patients with various conditions who have had rehabilitation activities of tertiary prevention. The subject of research. The possibilities and special aspects of nursing work in preventive medicine when working with middle-aged and elderly patients and the efficacy of rehabilitation activities for health problems in various patient profiles. The methods of study included the following modalities: general clinical assessments, including collection of history of present disease and overall health history, observing the patient, objective physical examination, general health assessment, evaluation of rehabilitation activities, comparison of data, laboratory and instrumental tests, the analytical method, and statistical research methods. The scientific and practical value of the study. In course of the study of the role and significance of nursing work in preventive medicine we have identified fundamental concepts regarding preventive medicine within the structure of health care; we have identified the key aspects and strategies of prevention of chronic disease in middle-aged and elderly patients, investigated possible prophylactic methods in preventive medicine, and identified the key stages of rehabilitation and their impact on the patient's health status; the final part included an evaluation of the efficacy of rehabilitation activities for various patient profiles and studied the role and the significance of nursing work in preventive medicine among other directions of nursing activities. The key stages of rehabilitation and their impact on patients’ health have been determined, and efficacy assessment of rehabilitation activities at each stage of rehabilitation were studied. The highest efficacy of rehabilitation procedures was noticed at the inpatient stage, and the lowest – at the metabolic stage. The opinion of nurses and patients about the efficacy of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in various patient profiles has been evaluated. Nurses estimated all three types of prevention as effective, and majority of patients estimated primary prevention as the most
dc.title.alternativeMaster's Thesisuk

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